“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”

-Mahatma Gandhi


New Beginnings Behavior Intervention Services started with a wish. A wish to work directly with individuals and families, giving them the proper attention and devotion they need, while providing a healthy work-life balance for everyone within the company.


Our mission is to give quality service through evidence-based interventions. To provide person-centered and whole-family services that address all needs that come from the complications of life. To create a partnership with families and other service providers to support a community of growth.


As New Beginnings expands as a Waiver Service Provider, we are already looking to the future. We know the struggles of receiving a diagnosis and not knowing what to do next or where to turn. Our dream is to provide consultative services to educate families on all their options, direct them to funding support, assist them in applying for Waiver and therapy services, advocate for their individual rights, and create a whole-family support system.